
Stuff I have learned, either through courses, meetups, googling
, or living life!

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React UI front-end development

Posted by on September 13, 2020 in Course, Development, Learning

Before starting my new role as a developer it was recommend I learn some React. Coincidentally my favorite instructor released a course on React in the 4 weeks leave I had before starting the new role. The course focused entirely on React UI for the front end development of a Writing and Social application. The […]

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Full-stack Javascript

Posted by on April 26, 2020 in Course, Database, Development, Learning

I recently extended my Javascript knowledge by completing a Full-stack Javascript course. This was another Udemy course by my favorite instructor Brad Schiff. Doing this course gives you full exposure to both the Front-end browser based Javascript, along with Server side Javascript using Node-js with Express. The course has a focus on understanding the Javascript […]

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Travel site Improvements

Posted by on January 4, 2020 in Course, Deployment, Development, Learning

I originally worked about 3 years ago on the Travel site static web page as part of the Git Modern Development Workflow course. The course was updated to remove some unnecessary, bloated or outdated packages. Other improvements also including removing the use of the Gulp task and workflow manager and replacing it entirely with the […]

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MaterializeCSS University Application built on Rails

Posted by on August 24, 2019 in Development, Learning

I have been working on this project off and on for a month or so now. At the time of writing this I have still not completed to where I would like it to be. This project is another Ruby on Rails application built with the MaterializeCSS frontend framework. I have enjoyed working with this […]

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Rails Action Cable and Semantic UI app

Posted by on May 25, 2019 in Course, Development, Learning

Using the Action Cable functionality provided by Rails I have built a small messaging application. I also used the Semantic UI framework to style the application. Action Cable integrates WebSockets feature to allow real time information to be displayed without the need for a refresh. It uses a Publish-Subscribe paradigm. This allows for the server […]

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Local Ruby on Rails Development

Posted by on April 25, 2019 in Course, Development, Learning

Previously I was producing Ruby on Rails projects using an online(cloud) based development IDE and environment. This was done using AWS Cloud 9 and launching the production application in Heroku. I was keen to learn how I could: Setup a Linux machine Pull my existing projects across onto the Linux machine Setup the Linux machine […]

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Recipe Storing Application built with Ruby on Rails

Posted by on February 9, 2019 in Course, Learning

So as part of the Ruby on Rails developer course I have been studying on Udemy I have built a fully functional application. This project produced a Recipe Storing web application. The application has the ability to store and share recipes. Each recipe can have a list of ingredients added to it and users (or […]

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Learning Ruby on Rails Project

Posted by on January 20, 2019 in Course, Hosting, Learning

A great learning project for Ruby on Rails is to build a small TODO list application. This project contains enough attributes for an application that can add, show, modify and delete (CRUD). As part of the project you can also build in authentication attributes for session management for users of the application. I have been […]

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Beginners Front End Web Development

Posted by on September 7, 2018 in Course, Learning

As part of a Ruby on Rails course I am doing on Udemy it was suggested to brush on your front end web development skills. The course suggested a beginners front end web development course created by Shay Howe called “Learn to Code HTML & CSS“. This course runs through the basics of HTML and […]

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Small business Keyword Planning

Posted by on July 21, 2018 in Learning, SEO

Small Business Keyword Planning So I am looking at building a brand new website for family member that has recently started a new small business. As part of creating a plan for building a new website I wanted to learn more about Keyword Planning to ensure I build the right content that connects with what […]

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