Almost there

Will launch soon!

Well my portfolio website is almost ready for launch. I am just doing some house-keeping on the site code, and removing the dummy content I was using for testing. Also cleaning up code that I am no longer using.

At this stage I think I will launch the site, and then slowly add the references to all the different courses and projects I have worked on.

The site itself has been about 2 months in the making (excluding at least 2 weeks on Xmas holidays where I did not work on it at all).  I estimate spending approx. 40 hours (real time spent) in my spare time outside of my day job and family commitments.

Apart from coding the site, I also spent time adjusting the design (images, fonts, colours, etc).

Other areas that absorbed my time included the following:

I wish to acknowledge (as I have placed a link in the footer of this site) that I have framed this entire site on the basis of the Fictional University site produced in the WordPress Developers Course by Brad Schiff. It is a wonderful course, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning WordPress development.

I still need to Minify the CSS and JS for Google Page insights improvements. I am also investigated my deployment path – for my Fictional University site I created a trial account with DeployHQ – it was really neat – however the cheapest plan is 6 pound a month. I think I will look into some free methods first. I wonder if you can use Jenkins to launch from GitHub – shall have to investigate…. Stay tuned…