Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow

Author: Brad Schiff

Provided by: Udemy

The course teaches you how to build a mobile-first, fully responsive, modern website.  You will learn Git, GitHub, Node.js, NPM, Object-oriented JavaScript, ES6, webpack, Gulp and BEM Methodology. This website has taken a lot from these various elements in its own production.

This course does not just teach you how to code a website with HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery, it shows you how to setup a modern development workflow with all the tools you need. The course teaches you the fundamentals of Git and using GitHub; it shows you how to setup Node and NPM, and also the automation tool GULP. This setup can save you a tonne of time in development.

You will learn about setting up PostCSS, and build Object Oriented Javascript, so that your code is more readable and maintainable. You will learn how to build in ES6 and maintain compatibility across old browsers.

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